
|   N'Ko lerada  1979 - 2004  Description 01  Prix |    

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104- five questions and its responses. It is an interview of Fodé Solomana Kanté during which it had answered five questions that one posed to him on N'Ko.

Dim.12x16.5 cm. 32 pages. 1st edition

Author: Fodé Solomana Kanté

Editor: Baba Mamadi Diané.


The Retail price:

The USA $ 5.60


Wholesale price:

The USA $ 3.10




105- 1200  proverbs of Manding

It is a book exclusively for 1200 proverbs mandengues.

Dim.12x17 cm. 96 pages. 1th edition

 Author: Fodé Solomana Kanté

Editor: Baba Mamadi Diané.




The Retail price:

The USA $ 17.10


Wholesale price:

The USA $ 9.60


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| Kanjamadi | NKo Institute | ICRA-NKO | Nko Lerada |

Copyright (c) 1999-2005 N'ko Ierada ( N'ko = Manden kan: Maninkakan, Bamanankan, Julakan and Mandingokan)