Get N'ko Font

N'ko font adaptation Method with Windows XP and Office Xp, 2003, 2000.

Before the following process you must download N'ko fonts and install it into the font box in control panel.    So let to start:

 1- Go into your "Control Panel".

2- Click on Regional Languages Option , then Choose "Languages Menu"

3-Then Check in "Install files for complex script and right-to-left languages" and then click on Apply to execute request. Then click on OK.

4- Then Click on "Details..." button to explore the following Table.

5- Click on ( Add...) button.             

6- Click on Combo Box below "Input Language".  you have got some allowed Arabic languages  and then you choose one of it , such as:  [Saudi Arabia].

7- Click on OK.

8- After make it, you have got Arabic language is added into the languages panel that means N'ko also is added. Which write from right to left like Arabic.

9- Here should be two or more languages exist into status bar.

    So you must use (Shift+Alt) for change to Arabic and vice versa.

10- To write into any office program you must choose N’ko font before from fonts combo box which is behind on left. Then start to write normally.


VIP: Dear/…….

These four fonts on web haven’t diacritic.

So to get real N’ko fonts you would contact us by

To see how N’ko font is expanded on key board you would browse to       clavie = sebedenwala

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